Call for Chapters of
EEST2015 Conference Book to be published by CRC Press
A CRC book titled “Carbon Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Energy Technologies – Fundamentals and Applications”, edited by EEST2015 Operation Committee Members with the leading editors Profs. Shuhui Sun, Xueliang Sun, David Wilkinson, and Junjun Zhang will be published after EEST2015 conference. This book will give a comprehensive description of carbon based nanomaterials (CNTs, graphene, and other carbon materials) and for electrochemical energy conversion and storage applications such as batteries, fuel cells, supercapacitors, and hydrogen generation and storage, as well as their associated the latest material and new technology development. It will address a variety of topics such as electrochemical processes, materials, components, assembly and manufacturing, degradation mechanisms, as well as challenges and strategies. With contributions from EEST2015 conference attendees who are at the top of their fields and at the same time on the cutting edge of technology, the book includes in-depth discussions ranging from comprehensive understanding, to engineering of components and applied devices.
The chapters for this book should be the type of review articles rather than original research ones. The scopes of the chapters are encouraged to fit the contents described as follows:
Section 1: Electrochemistry Energy Fundamentals
Electrochemical theories, Electrochemical engineering, Electrochemical methods, Electrocatalysis, Electropolymerization, Electrosynthesis
Section 2: Advanced Electrochemical Materials (Carbon Nanomaterials)
Graphene, carbon nanotubes and carbon at the nanoscale, Diamond and sp3 carbons in electrochemistry, Hierarchical carbon nanomaterials (structured macro, meso and micropore carbon materials), Carbon electrodes in electrochemical energy technology, Understanding and controlling the carbon interface
Section 3: Application of Carbon Nanomaterials in Fuel Cells
Carbon materials for proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs), Carbon materials for direct-methanol fuel cells (DMFCs), Carbon materials for direct-ethanol fuel cells (DEFCs), Carbon materials for direct-formic acid fuel cells (DFAFCs), Carbon materials for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), Carbon materials for microbial fuel cells (MFCs), Fuel cell applications (portable, backpower, and vehicles)
Section 4: Application of Carbon Nanomaterials in Batteries& Supercapacitors
Carbon materials for Li-ion batteries, Carbon materials for Li-sulfur batteries, Carbon materials for Na-ion batteries, Carbon materials for metal-air batteries, Carbon materials for advanced lead-acid batteries, Carbon materials for flow batteries, Carbon materials for supercapacitors, Battery and supercapacitor applications (portable, backpower, and vehicles)
Section 5: Application of Carbon Nanomaterials in Electrolysis & Hydrogen
Carbon materials for electrolyzers, Carbon materials for photo-electrochemical cells, Carbon materials for CO2 electroreduction, Carbon materials for advanced chloro-alkaline
Section 6: Electrochemical Energy Industry
Progress in carbon materials industry, Progress in fuel cell industry (portable, backpower, and vehicles), Progress in battery industry, Progress in supercapacitor industry, Progress in electrolysis & hydrogen industry
All EEST2015 conference attendees are invited to contribute to the chapters of this book. If you are interested in contributing a chapter, please send a short chapter proposal (0.5-1 page, including title, authors, and abstract/outline) to Professor Shuhui Sun at before September 30, 2015. After reviewing the book chapter proposal, the editors will invite you to write the chapter. The open period for Chapter submission is between October 1 2015 and March 31, 2016 with the solid deadline of March 31, 2016.
You are more than welcome to make contributions to this book!